The Sparrow and The Raven Read online

Page 7

  Remind me to thank Raelynn for these shoes.

  He leans over my back, licking from my ass to my neck. When he reaches the crease of my neck, he bites me hard enough that I feel a trickle of blood run down my shoulder. Fuck me! He’s a dirty boy and I want - no, I need - more.

  Spreading my legs apart, he reaches down and gives my clit a slight pinch with his fingers right before he pushes his thick cock inside me. He's definitely all man, and he’s mine. It's still hard to believe a man like this wants me.

  “Fuck, Isabella, you feel so good squeezing my cock. I will never get enough of you. Where have you been hiding?”

  “I've been waiting for you, Dominic, all my life.”

  I'm gripping the couch cushions so tight, I can feel my fingers cramping. The high he’s giving me is indescribable.

  He thrusts a few more times, roughly grabbing my ass cheeks and giving them a hard slap. We explode together, making it clear our bodies are one.

  We silently sit there, neither of us wanting to move but knowing we have to. I'm consumed by all things Dominic. He's my absolute salvation.

  Picking me up in his arms, he carries me to his bedroom, laying me gently on the bed. This is my idea of heaven on earth.

  Please don't let this be a dream.

  “Sleep now, Isabella. I will take care of everything, I promise this on my life. No one will steal your light ever again.” He kisses me on the forehead before crawling into bed next to me.


  Actions speak louder than words.

  I wake up the next morning feeling out of sorts. When I notice the warm arm wrapped around me and the snoring man attached to it, I realize I must’ve stayed with Dominic. I could easily get used to waking up next to him. I don't want to push my luck though, so I slowly sneak out of bed and head to the bathroom.

  “Shit, Bella, you look like a mess!” Realizing I didn't plan on having this little slumber party, I have nothing with me to help freshen up the “I just had mind-blowing sex...twice" look.

  I step into the warm spray of the shower and melt. Literally. Did I mention this shower is straight out of one of those fancy home magazines? It's the size of a small bedroom, with multiple shower heads spraying at you from every angle. For the love of all that's holy, I could live in here and be content for the rest of my life.

  Just as I'm getting ready to lather up with the manly scent of spring water, which would be my only option, I feel Dominic slide up behind me. With no doors, just an entryway to the Cave of Ecstasy (yes, I named the shower) I didn't hear him approach.

  “Good morning, Isabella. I thought you may have bailed on me when I woke up to an empty bed.” He wraps his arms around me, sprinkling soft kisses down my back.


  “I thought about it, but then the Cave of Ecstasy sucked me in. I’m putty in its hands.”

  “Cave of Ecstasy? My shower?” He looks at me in disbelief, and I start to laugh.

  “This was your plan all along, wasn't it? You knew I’d be yours forever with a shower like this. How could I ever resist?” Waving my arms in exaggeration, he grabs them and pulls me close to him.

  “Funny, Sparrow. Let me wash you, then we have plans to make and people to see. I took the liberty of throwing your clothes in the washer last night while you slept.” Giving me a quick nip on the lips, he cleans us both and leaves me to get ready for the day. A day I feel I'm going to dread, but with Dominic and Raelynn’s support, I know I can conquer it.

  We will get through it, all of us. There's no other option. I won't let there be. We have a douchebag to take care of.

  “Isabella, you're talking out loud again,” Dominic says. I'm rapidly racking up the crazy points, yet he still seems interested in me.

  “First stop of the day is the gun range. So wear your best stilettos, baby,” he says, yelling down the hall. Ha! Funny! He has jokes.

  “No, I'm not joking. Well, maybe about the stilettos.” Shit. Here's hoping I don't shoot myself, or someone else.

  As I'm throwing a hoodie over my head, Dominic walks into the room, tackling me onto the bed. I know where this is heading which means we’re going to be late picking Raelynn up. She'll understand. Right? Hell, I’ll take my chances.

  “Call Miss Raelynn, let her know we’ll be a bit late. I have a sudden urge to defile my gorgeous girl. By the way, I'd be the happiest man on earth if you’d wear that hoodie and those lacy panties every day. All day.”

  “Hmmm...I don't think public indecency is very popular these days.”

  “Point well taken. Plus I'd hate to have to fend the dogs off that would be drooling at your feet.”

  Heart is officially melting.

  “Pull your hoodie up over your head, but don't take it off, and don't move. Understand?”


  He slowly crawls up my body, using the hoodie to bind my arms above my head, and starts to assault my body with licks and bites as he peels my panties off with his thumbs. I can feel it from my head to my toes. Not one inch of my body isn't affected by his touch. I start to wiggle, and he slaps my bare pussy.

  “I said no moving, Isabella. Do you need a spanking? Naughty girls who disobey need to be punished.”

  “Please, Dominic.”

  At my request, he flips me over, my hoodie still holding my arms hostage. He slaps my ass, and I almost jump out of my skin. If this is punishment, I'd love to see what his rewards look and feel like.

  “This gorgeous ass is mine, Isabella. Every part of your body and soul are mine.” With those simple words, he thrusts inside me, slow and easy. Pushing in and pulling out, driving me crazy.

  “Harder, Dominic. God, please just fuck me!”

  He does just that. Slapping my ass one last time, he drives his cock so deep inside me, I scream out in sheer pleasure. He bites my neck hard, knowing what I need, and I lose it with him following right behind me.

  “I think I love you, Ms. Kramer.” I can't breathe, let alone speak. Those words are everything. I just hope he means it. I’ve never believed in soulmates, but I think I might've found mine. He just doesn't know it yet.

  “I think I love you too, Mr. Barnes.” Giving him a devious wink, I scramble to the bathroom. I quickly lock the door behind me before he can “punish” me again. Raelynn’s going to kill me, but it was so worth it!


  Don't shoot your eye out.

  We drive up to Raelynn’s house, and as I suspected, she's standing in the driveway with her hands on her hips. If looks could kill, I'd definitely be six feet under. I have some major groveling to do, but knowing my best friend, she won't hold a grudge. At least not for too long.

  “You little minx! I can see the after-sex glow radiating off your damn body!” She gives Dominic a side glance and continues the onslaught of word vomit. “I guess I can forgive you though, this time. Let's face it. If Mr. Hotpants here is the reason for your tardiness, all of us single woman bow down to your presence.”

  “So, you're calling me Mr. Hotpants now, too, Miss Raelynn?”

  “Hey, sweet cheeks, if the jeans fit, wear them proudly! While we're discussing your hotness, you wouldn't have any single brothers, would you?”

  “Sorry, no brothers, but I have a female friend that may swing both ways. Never really asked her.” With that, Rae gives him her famous stink eye.

  “Ok, if you guys are done, don't we have some guns to play with? As much as I like talking about how delicious Dominic is, I'd like to go shoot shit.”

  “Yes ma’am. Let's get a move on. Oh, and Sparrow? Just to clear things up, we don't “play" with guns. We use them to protect ourselves against the evils of this world. They aren't toys. Safety first.”

  “Sparrow?” Rae stares at the both of us wanting an explanation. One she doesn't get as Dominic ushers us into his truck. I smile to myself, thinking I’ve finally found my true family, and it warms my heart. Even with all that's going on, I have hope it will all turn out the way it's supposed to.

  Driving up to the shooting range, I start to get a little nervous. I've never shot a gun, let alone even held one. Never had the urge to even though it’s crossed my mind about shooting Jackson in his dirty junk many times. It was just a thought though, one I always kept to myself.

  “Isabella, if you're not ready for this, tell me now. Holding a gun while nervous or unsure is never a good thing. You could shoot yourself or someone else without meaning to. It's not something to take lightly,” Dominic warns me.

  “I need to do this. I want to do this. I just never thought it would actually come to this. I trust you to show me how it's done. The right way. Please, Dominic.”

  “Then let's get started. I love you, Isabella, and will do anything to protect you.” He kisses my forehead as he speaks.

  “Did I just hear the words “I love you" come out of that sexy mouth of yours?” Raelynn is glaring at him, trying to hide the smile on her face. “You better not be fucking with my girl. She's been through enough, and I will do unmentionable things to certain body parts of yours if you do anything to hurt her.”

  “You heard right, and honestly, I think I fell in love with her the day I saw her crazy ass at the mini-mart. She can chug an energy drink like no one's business. Hot as hell, if you ask me.”

  “God, Dominic, you have such a way with words.” I laugh, pulling them both into a hug. “Raelynn, I love him too, but I think you already knew that.”

  “Well, ok then, it's about damn time you two stop beating around the bush. I'm happy for you both. But be warned, I own guns. Lots of them. Unlike Cracker here, I actually know how to use them, and I've never missed my target.”

  “Understood. Loud and clear.” He salutes Rae like she's military, but I know Dominic isn't playing around. He has his secrets with a past I know little about, but what I do know is that he protects what's his.

  The day turns out to be one of the best I've had since leaving Oregon and my old life. No matter what my past brings upon me, the future's looking bright. I don't know what I did to deserve these two in my life, but I will do whatever it takes to keep them by my side.


  The monster has found me.

  The gun range was a success, as in, I didn't accidentally shoot anyone. I'm still not completely comfortable with the thought of ever having to use it on someone, but if it's a choice of survival between them or me, I choose me. For now, at least until I get more practice in, Dominic gave me a can of mace to carry with me at all times.

  Not sure that was such a wise choice.

  It's been a few weeks since I learned that Jackson’s in town, or nearby, and I've been on pins and needles ever since. I think I've worn a hole in the carpet of my room from pacing back and forth. I also think Raelynn’s ready to sedate my ass.

  Dominic has suggested, rather adamantly, that Raelynn and I stay with him, just until the whole Jackson situation is resolved. Being her feisty self, she’s declined, saying, “If that twat fucker comes near my property, his dick will become Dixie’s new favorite chew toy.”

  I believe her.

  On the other hand, she practically pushes me out the door saying I need to take advantage of this alone time and get to know my “sexy piece of man candy", as she calls him. How can I say no to that? So I quickly pack a bag and send Dominic a text to let him know I'm on my way.

  Me: Hey there, Mr. Hotpants. Does the invite still stand?

  Dominic: It took you long enough, Isabella. I'm growing old over here waiting for you two.

  Me: Sorry, just me. Couldn't convince stubborn ass to come with. She has Dixie, and trust me when I say that dog will rip balls off!

  Dominic: Remind me to always have treats for Dixie girl then. Get that fine ass of yours over here. I miss you. Don't worry, I have a friend who will be watching things around Raelynn’s place. Better safe than sorry.

  Me: Thank you, Dominic. That means a lot. I love you.

  Dominic: I love you more. Get here. NOW!

  Me: Yes, sir.

  Dominic: I love when you obey. Good girls get rewarded.

  By now, he knows I like his punishments too.

  I head out but not before a prolonged hug and chat with my girl first. She's been warned: at any moment she feels unsafe, she best high-tail it to Dominic’s. No excuses. I think she agreed just to get me the fuck out of her house.

  Stopping at the mini-mart for my daily dose of caffeine, I open the door, quickly grabbing my energy drinks. Yes, an addiction is what I’d call it at this point. Even the kid who works here knows me and knows my drink of choice. Today he's in a giving mood and decides these ones are on him. “Why, thank you, kind sir.” I give him a wink as I exit the store.

  “See you tomorrow, Ms. Kramer.” He’s a polite kid, but I can’t ever get used to being called ma'am or Miss. But that’s the southern way I suppose, and at least his momma taught him some manners.

  In my haste to get to Dominic, I don't pay enough attention to my surroundings. I nearly collide with the one person I never wished to lay eyes upon again. My heart drops to the floor as Jackson stands in front of me.

  “Hello, beautiful. I've missed you so much.”

  “Jackson.” He looks strung out, which is never a good sign. I slowly push send on my cell, calling Dominic, before Jackson notices. Putting it in my pocket, I pray Dominic hears my plea for help.

  “Did you miss me? I've missed you. So fucking much, my beautiful Bella.” He puts his hand up to my face, making me wince.

  “What is it you want, Jackson? You found me. Good for you. Now say what you need to say because I'm done here.” I start to walk away when he grabs my wrist, twisting it in the process.

  Son of a bitch.

  “I have a lot to say, Bella, and we're going for a little ride. We have things to discuss, and I want you alone. No interruptions, especially from that fuckboy I've seen you around town with.” He pulls me to what I assume is his car. My wrist is on fire, knowing he probably sprained it. I try to fight him off, but he lands a punch to my face that leaves me weak in the knees.

  “Get in the goddamn car, and quit fighting me, or you know it will just get worse. It kills me to hurt you, but you just won't listen. Just fucking listen for once in your goddamn life!” He's tugging at his hair, and I can see he’s on the verge of losing his shit completely.

  That makes two of us.

  “Ok, Jackson. I'm sorry. You're right. Let's go for a drive. Just you and me.” I will say anything to calm him down and give myself more time to figure out how I'm going to get out of this mess.

  “That's my beautiful Bella.” He ushers me into the passenger side, and as he does, my phone falls out of my pocket onto the floorboard of the car.

  Just my luck.

  He sees it's on and smashes it against the dash, right before he knocks me out. Darkness engulfs me, and my last thought is me begging Dominic to find me before it's too late.


  Hit me with your best shot.

  I slowly open my one good eye, realizing the other is swollen shut, to find I'm in a motel room. A dingy one at that, with blackout shades and bars on the windows. Classy. Shit, how long have I been out? I look around, not finding any sign of Jackson, but knowing he probably isn’t far away.

  I slowly get up and make my way to the bathroom. Every muscle in my body hurts, feeling like I went ten rounds with a wrecking ball. Looking in the mirror, memories escape my mind, ones I never wanted to relive. “Damn you, Jackson!” I punch the wall, feeling vulnerable and naked.

  I hear the front door unlock and open. Jackson must be back from wherever he took off to. No sense in hiding. It's useless anyway. I close the door and lock it, hoping he gives me a minute of peace to get myself together a bit. I quickly splash some water over my sore face and right my clothes as best I can.

  I look like yesterday's leftovers.

  “Bella, open the door, beautiful. Please. I just want to talk. I promise.” His promises mean shit to me, but I know he won't give
up, and I can't prolong the inevitable forever.

  Opening the door, I see he's sitting on the bed, holding his head in his hands, rocking back and forth. I calmly walk past him and sit down in the chair opposite the bed. “You want to talk, Jackson, so let's talk.”

  “I love you, beautiful. I always have. Always will. You're my life, and when you left me, you killed the man I once was. I'm nobody without you, so I had to find you and bring you home. Don't you understand that we belong together?”


  “Jackson, the man you once were died long ago.” Sorrow fills my heart at my own words, knowing it's the truth. By the look in his eyes, he knows it too.


  I cringe at his pet name for me. He made me feel anything but beautiful. I always felt more like the ugly duckling that nobody wanted. He gets up from the bed, walking toward me with a sick passion in his eyes. I used to adore his look of passion, but now it makes me physically ill.

  “I used to believe we'd be together forever, but the man I fell in love with slowly died before my eyes. I watched you turn into a monster, Jackson. One that preferred to hit me rather than love me. I couldn't take it anymore. I had to leave to save myself.” I wait for his response with bated breath, knowing he probably won't like what I had to say.

  “So what now? You're just moving on? No chance to right my wrongs? Starting a new life with your fuckboy? He doesn't know you like I do, Bella. No one does.” He's violently shaking me so roughly that I feel like I'm getting a serious case of whiplash.