The Sparrow and The Raven Read online

Page 3

  That’s when I started hiding money, and thinking of ways to escape him. I realized it was either run, or end up dying at the hands of the man I once loved. I could no longer please him. Everything I did was wrong in his eyes, and earned me a fresh new bruise or a verbal lashing. Sometimes those were worse. Being mentally destroyed can kill you from the inside out. Words can be a dagger to your heart.

  As I sit in a creepy, abandoned rest stop, I currently think it's the best place I've been in years. I text Raelynn, reassuring her I didn't chicken out, and I’m heading her way. She sends me a message, letting me know she’s waiting.

  Raelynn: Cracker, you better be in your car driving your ass to me. Now! I mean right now. The end. Get here. Are you here yet? I’m growing older by the minute. Love you.

  Me: I love you too, bitch. Keep your pantyhose on. I’m on my way.

  Raelynn: You best be, or I’ll sic Dixie on your ass!

  Me: That's laughable at best. That dog loves me. Plus, I have treats for her.

  Raelynn: Bribery. Damn you.

  She's been my only true friend through the years, and when she headed back south, I died a little inside. She didn’t want to leave me knowing what I was going through with Jackson, but I couldn’t let her put her life on hold because of me and my problems. Knowing I will see her again shortly has put an unfamiliar smile on my face. It makes this fucked-up situation a little easier to bare.

  I tear out of the rest stop to what I hope is a new beginning.


  What do they put in the water here?

  Three days later, entering the small town of Orchard Hill, South Carolina, I feel a heavy weight being lifted off my chest. It’s beautiful and peaceful, something I've yearned for. I can almost hear the silence and tranquility echoing my name. The sunshine is beating down on my face as I step out of my car, and I soak in the warmth of the rays above me.

  I can finally breathe.

  I skip into the local mini-mart, not caring how juvenile I may look, but think twice when I see a man standing in line at the counter. He's the epitome of a sexy, tattooed, country boy, and I have the sudden urge to lick him from head to toe. Damn, there must be something amazing in the water here. I make a mental note to ask Raelynn why she's been holding out on me.

  My mind is wandering in left field, when I hear the kid behind the counter trying to get my attention. “Ma’am? Are you ok? Do you need help? You look like death. No offense. You got that sexy, yet sick, look down to a tee.”

  Shaking my rampant thoughts away, I respond, “Sorry, I've had a long drive. Guess I'm more out of it than I realized. I'm ok though, thank you for asking.” Not waiting to exit the store, I practically chug my energy drink like it's no one's business. Grabbing another one from the cooler, I must look like a caffeine-addicted freak. Which, technically, isn't too far-fetched. Caffeine is life, and I honestly think I'd die without it. I know, first world problems.

  Copious amounts of caffeine make for a very happy Bella.

  Mr. Hotpants is staring at me with a smirk on his face, knowing all too well I was checking him out. I quickly pay for my things and make a beeline for the door. I’m almost home free when I hear a husky voice behind me calling my name. What the actual fuck?

  “You are Isabella May Kramer, right?” Oh, god!

  “How the hell do you know my name?” I start to panic, thinking I’ve been spotted by someone Jackson may know, which is ridiculous. Then, I realize my out of control thoughts are getting the best of me, as usual.

  “Calm the fuck down, Bella.” I turn around, shaking my head as Mr. Hotpants looks at me with an utterly confused look on his face. Join the club, buddy. Join the club.

  “Excuse me? Are you talking to yourself, princess? Or me?” Apparently, my thoughts weren't so quiet. I need to learn to keep my inner voices at bay.

  He stares at me for a minute with the bluest eyes I've ever seen, then says, “You were in such a damn hurry to get out of there, you forgot your credit card on the counter. Thought you might like it back. That's all. No need to have a meltdown.” He flicks my card at me, turns and walks away, while taking a last glance and shaking his head in disbelief.

  “Oh, by the way, you're welcome.” He says, with annoyance crystal clear in his voice.

  “Thank you, sir,” I mutter. I need to be more careful. How dumb am I? Using a traceable credit card, knowing Jackson is out there, pissed and on the hunt. Nevermind the fact that I've been in town less than an hour and I’ve already made my first enemy. Or so it seems.

  “The name’s Dominic, not sir. Try and be more careful next time. You never know who could grab your identity and catch you off guard. The world's a dangerous place.” He’s almost scolding me like a child as he gets into his truck.

  “I know. I wasn't thinking clearly. I apologize for my shitty attitude, I'm just beyond exhausted. I’ve been driving for almost three days. No excuse to be rude though, so again, thank you, and I apologize for any misunderstanding.”

  “It's fine, Ms. Kramer. Just be more careful from now on. Have a nice day. Maybe I'll see you around if you're planning on staying for awhile?”

  “I am, yes, maybe I’ll see you around, Dominic.”

  All I can muster is a lame thank you? Did he just call me princess? That’s beyond hysterical. I should be on my way anyhow, no need to draw any more unnecessary attention to myself. I've apparently done plenty of that already today.

  I need a smoke and anything with excessive amounts of alcohol in it. I take off, heading for Raelynn’s. She's not a drinker, but God damn, she's going to have some fun with my sorry ass if it kills me. Or her.

  Dominic is starting up his truck, he yells out the window, “Have a good day, princess. Maybe next time we meet up, I can give you a closer look at my ass. You know, the one you were admiring so much?” He gives me a devilish grin as he begins to speed off.

  “For future reference, I'm no princess, asshole!” I flip him the bird, showing him just what I think of his comments. He catches me through the side mirror, and gives me a cheerful wave as he laughs at my expense.


  Friends who are more like family.

  I pull into what I pray is Raelynn’s driveway, and know it is the moment I see her pup, Dixie, running straight for me. She's a ball of energy, one I've sorely missed. That pup can put a smile on anyone's face. If not, your heart is black and your dead inside. I barely make it out of my car before she’s welcoming me with slobbery kisses that I gladly accept.

  “Cracker! I was wondering if the hillbilly’s got to your sweet ass already. Glad to see you’re in one piece.” She slaps my ass as she bear hugs me. Damn, I missed her. She's her own kind of sass, and I love her to death. I’m grateful she's taking me in and willing to deal with all that is Isabella May Kramer.

  I should definitely come with a warning label.

  “I may have gotten a bit distracted at the mini-mart up the road. Mr. Hotpants had me in a tizzy for a minute, and you know I have shiny-object syndrome. Especially when there’s a sexy, arrogant man involved.”

  “Mr. Hotpants?” Oh lord, here comes a solid round of 20 questions, and I might have the answers. I don't know what it was about that guy, but he still has my stomach in knots. Maybe I'm lonely, horny, or lusting after a sexy, mouthy man, who knows nothing about me or my past. Whatever it was, he's definitely on my mind.

  “I had a run-in with this hot, tattooed, blue-eyed devil at the mini-mart. Or maybe he was an angel. Can’t quite decide where the line’s drawn. I ran out of there so quickly I forgot my credit card at the counter. Then, I proceeded to freak out when he came after me, calling my name. He just caught me by surprise. Knowing my name, and the fact he had this sexy smirk on his face, I either wanted to junk-punch him or lick him. Maybe a bit of both. Our conversation may have ended with me flipping him off after he called me Princess, multiple times.”

  Raelynn is cracking up at this point, and I want to throttle her. She asks, “Does he have a ta
ttoo of a raven flying through black flames on his right bicep?”

  “Yes, he sure does.”

  “His name is Dominic Barnes, and he's the town's current eye candy. No one knows much about him, he keeps to himself, working odd and end construction jobs throughout the town, owning his own at home business.”

  Raelynn is full of handy info about my mystery man.

  “Thanks for the heads up. I don't need any more trouble, even if that trouble does look like a sinfully good time. Any woman with a vagina can see that! He got my attention, that's for sure.”

  “Cracker, I've told you before. Quit thinking with your lady parts. Good dick isn't always worth it. You need to take some time for yourself. I don't want to see you get hurt again. Plus, you just got into town. Cool your jets, woman!”

  God love her, she's right. I'm just bad at being alone, but I know it's for the best. I have so much healing to do - Mind, body, and soul. Jackson took it all away for so long, the thought of having my own life again made me hopeful... and scared to death at the same time.

  Change in life is never easy.

  I plop my tired ass down in the most comfortable lazy boy ever and just exhale, finally releasing the breath I've been holding in. Raelynn looks at me with sympathy in her eyes, and I hate it. I've never been one to feel sorry for myself, and I hate when others feel that way toward me. I put myself in this mess, and I take full responsibility for that. I made my bed and lied in it for years.

  “Quit looking at me like that, please! I’ll be fine, I always am. It's just going to take some time. I’m a hot mess right now, but I’ll get better. Just remember that you love me.”

  “I do love you, Bella, like a sister. When you hurt, I hurt. I'm here for you and so proud of you for being brave and strong enough to leave that abusive asshat!” Raelynn wraps her arms around me, and squeezes me so hard I feel like she could crush me at any minute.

  “He wasn't always like that. He used to be a man I wanted to spend the rest of my life with. Then he discovered meth, and with meth came the constant cheating. He fell down the rabbit hole so fast, I couldn't catch him.”

  “Well, I for one, hope he catches crabs, and his dick falls off! It wasn't your fault, Bella. You know that, right?” Said out of the mouth of Raelynn, who never tells a lie, and never fails to lift me up.

  “I know it's not my fault; it just took me a while to figure things out for myself. It's the most difficult thing in the world to watch someone you love self-destruct.” I realize now that I never really knew Jackson at all because the man I first met, who comforted and loved me after the loss of my parents, wasn’t the man I left behind.

  “You'll get there, Bella. Just give it some time, babe. Time heals all wounds, or so they say. I call bullshit on that. We may heal, but we’ll never forget what we’ve been through.”

  “No truer words have ever been spoken. We can only do what we can and hope for the best.” I hope for the best every day but would settle for the norm.

  One minute we’re having a heart to heart, the next minute I'm passed out, snoring and drooling on the pillow that's found its way under my head. I wake myself up snoring, and that’s when I feel the drool on my face. Lovely, Bella, lovely. I always go out with a bang, that’s a given.


  Bringing trouble my way.

  By the grace of God, or the devil on my back, I get Raelynn to go out to the local bar. The only one it seems they have in this tiny little town. After a few drinks, we’re both feeling pretty good.

  “I'm in need of the little girls’ room and a smoke break. Before your sassy mouth says anything, yes, I need to quit but my nerves are shot.” I know what Raelynn is thinking before she even says it. It’s a bad excuse, one I've used for years but I just can't seem to kick it.

  “You want me to tag along or are you going to be ok by yourself, Cracker?”

  “No, momma, I think I can handle this one. Unless you feel the need to hold my hand and sing to me while I squat?” Raelynn growls, she actually fucking growls at me. I can't help but laugh, and then I quickly run from her before she backhands me.

  Only the truest friends are willing to put up with your shit.

  Needing some fresh air after using the restroom, I head for the back alley door. It's a beautiful night outside as I admire the stars in the sky, swaying a bit. Damn, that last drink I had packed a punch. Note to self, I’m not as young as I use to be. I'm finishing up my smoke when I sense someone behind me. I turn to see two guys I can only describe as meatheads, leering at me. Maybe I should've taken Raelynn up on her offer after all seeing as how it looks like I’m about to step in a huge, ugly pile of shit.

  “Hey, sugar, you look lonely out here all by yourself. You want some company? Another drink? Possibly somewhere more quiet where we all can get better acquainted?” meathead number one blurts out. I giggle to myself, thinking how much more quiet could it be. I'm out in an abandoned parking lot, you asshat!

  Captain Obvious has entered the building.

  Even buzzed, these morons have to know I'm not going to fall for their shit lines. Or are they as dumb as they look? Maybe. “Thanks for the offer boys, but I'm quite alright. Just needed some fresh air. I’m sure my friends are wondering where I wandered off to, so I’ll just be getting back to them now. Enjoy the rest of your night.”

  Stumbling back to the door, I feel a strong hand grip my wrist, spinning me around, making me drop the drink I was holding. Quite ungracefully, might I add. I look into the hungry eyes of both of them knowing exactly what's on their minds and realizing I’ve been backed into a dangerous corner.

  If I didn’t have bad luck, I'd have no luck at all.

  “Listen, meathead twins, I don't want any trouble, nor did I ask for it, so leave me the fuck alone and let me carry on with my night. You've already made me spill my drink, so thanks for that.” Looking down, I can see most of it landed on my shirt. Perfect. Now my nipples are erect and on full display, making this situation even worse.

  Keeping my mouth shut doesn't go as planned when one of them smacks me across the face, and it stings like a bitch, making my ears ring. Fuck me! This is not happening right now. Can't I catch a break? Just once? I look up to the sky, as if it has the answers I’m seeking.

  “Now play nice, sugar, and that won't happen again. Women are supposed to be seen, not heard. Didn’t your daddy ever teach you that?” As one of them grabs me from behind, pinning me against his chest and licking my face, the other presses his body to my front, roughly squeezing and pinching my breasts. The smell of alcohol and stale cigarettes is enough to make me nauseous. Seriously, does my shirt say, ‘I like to be roughed up by assholes’?

  I try to push them away, but that only seems to spur them on more. “We got a wild one on our hands, brother. The more you fight, the more we like it, sugar.” They each tighten their grips to prove their point, and then I feel a hand rubbing my pussy through my jeans.

  “Nice, assholes, taking advantage of a woman? You sick fucks! Is this how you'd treat your mother or sister?” I’m pissed and freaking out, but trying my damnedest to not show them that I’m two seconds away from having a colossal panic attack.

  Just breathe, Isabella.

  “Guess it's a good thing we don't have a sister, and our mother is a drunk fucking whore! Nice try though.” They start cackling like the idiots they are.

  “So the apple didn't fall far from the tree then?” They both stop and stare at me like they don’t get the joke, and in that moment, I try to get my shit together. Anything to stop the fear that’s taking over, knowing what’s about to happen. I may be messing with them, putting up a strong front but inside, I'm scared shitless.

  Just when I get my feet to semi-cooperate, I hear the shuffling of heavy boots and that familiar husky voice coming from the direction of the bar’s back door. I swear to everything that's holy, Dominic Barnes is turning out to be my Guardian Angel or creepy stalker, but I’d take either option at this moment.
r />   “What’s going on here, boys? Did I miss the party? You know I love parties.” Dominic walks out with a devious smile plastered on that sexy face of his, and I haven't been happier to see a friendly face in my life.

  The meathead twins must know him because his presence seems to get them to back off. “Sorry, man, we didn't know the bitch was taken. No harm, no foul.” They wave me off like I'm a piece of trash, which pisses me off even more.

  “Are you fucking kidding me right now?” When I'm able to get my bearings, I charge at them, but Dominic stops me, pulling me back.

  “Simmer down there, princess. I got this. Go inside. Your friend is looking for you. But first,” he points to the two idiots standing in front of us, looking like they’re about to piss themselves. “I suggest you apologize to the lady, right now, or we’re gonna have much bigger problems than we already do.” Dominic stands there with his arms at his sides, clenching his fists so tight, his knuckles are turning white.

  Well, what do you know? It appears Mr. Hotpants doesn't despise me as much as I thought.

  “Fuck this. She isn't worth it. Let's get out of here.” They try to move away from me when I hear Dominic yell, “Not so fast, assholes!”

  Dominic takes a step closer to them which, as they both go to move away, causes me to fall face-first into the dirt, getting caught up in the mix. Between the alcohol and humility I'm feeling, I'm completely dazed, and everything slowly goes black. But not before I see one of them attempt a swing at him, which in turn gets him a fist to the face. First night in town, this is not what I had in mind.