The Sparrow and The Raven Read online

Page 4

  Being my usual mouthy self right before I black out, I somehow get a few last words in. “For the last time, I’m not a fucking princess, asshole!”

  Being thankful can be a real pain in the ass sometimes.


  When the lights go out and nobody’s home.

  I come to, surrounded by numerous faces staring back at me, whispering things I can't quite hear. Then I see Raelynn, crying and fussing over me. Oh, shit! What happened after I blacked out? I hope to God those idiots didn't finish what they started.

  “What the hell happened? My head is throbbing like a motherfucker!” I remember the meathead twins giving me a hard time outside, quickly realizing I took on more than I could handle, trying and failing to fight back. Then I saw black boots, right before it all went black.

  Raelynn is scolding me, almost like she's talking to her wayward child. “You were gone for far too long. I searched everywhere for you and remembered you went for a smoke. Damn you for going alone! Thank the baby Jesus for Dominic. He rushed out like a sexy superhero and saved your drunk ass.”

  Pina Coladas and Tequila Chasers are not my friends.

  “Mr. Hotpants saved me? I wasn't that drunk. If I was given another minute, I could've taken care of them myself!” All I hear is snickering behind me, as I’m trying to sit up. Then again, I did have a little too much to drink, and I may be a bit stubborn. Just a bit. Okay, Okay! I’m very fucking stubborn.

  “Mr. Hotpants? So you do think I'm hot? Or do you just have a thing for my ass? And you're welcome. Again.” Dominic smirks, and again, I have the dilemma of not knowing if I want to junk punch him or lick every inch of his delectably hot body. I want to know what his raven tattoo symbolizes. I feel there's a story behind it, one I want to know.

  The random things I think about when inebriated.

  “Thank you, Dominic. Sorry I called you an asshole, but you had it coming.” I guess I should be grateful he was around when I needed help. Yes, I admit it, I needed the damn help. “Just so you know, I wasn't checking you out... per se. But I'm not blind either.”

  “Whatever makes you sleep at night, princess. My ass is pretty nice though.” He actually grabs his ass and winks at me, making me stare like he's grown an extra head. Did he really just do that?

  “If you call me that one more time, I'm going to show you just how un-princess like I can be. I take back my apology. You are an asshole!” I attempt to charge at him when I hear laughing. I realize I only have one shoe on, my shirt’s been removed, and I somehow inherited a sweatshirt that says, ‘I'm with stupid…’.

  Can you say hot mess?

  Raelynn quickly grabs my arm, cutting in. “Ok, you two, either quit bickering or get a damn room!” Why the hell can't I just say thank you, appreciate his kindness, and keep my mouth shut. Probably because I'm not used to being on the receiving end of a nice gesture, from a man no less, with no strings attached. It feels good, but disarming and dangerous at the same time. Mental note to self... start accepting kindness.

  “Thank you, kind sir. You’re my hero. But putting my smart remarks aside, I wasn't thinking clearly. Got into a bad situation, needed help and you were there. I hate feeling vulnerable. It's been my life for so long, I just want it to stop. I’m sorry for taking my anger out on you. Although, I do have one question for you.”

  He looks at me like he's unsure if he should open his mouth. That mouth. Shit! Now, I’m imagining all the things he could do with that mouth. They all involve him throwing me onto any available surface and having his way with me.

  “What's your question? I won't even begin to ask what your past has to do with this, but it's obvious you have some demons.” He raises an eyebrow at me.

  “Yes, you’re right, I do. I have demons you don't want to know anything about... and what the hell happened to the meathead twins?” He laughs like that's the funniest shit he's ever heard.

  “You don't have to worry about them. They won't be bothering you anymore. Or any other female for that matter. They may be a few nuggets short of a happy meal, if you catch my drift. Goodnight, Isabella. Dealing with you has been exhausting, but I'm sure you figured that out.” I almost say something about him calling me by my full name, but it kind of sounds sexy when he says it, so I let it go.

  Watch your step; you might catch feelings.

  Before I have a chance to react, Dominic grabs my hand and leads me to the dancefloor. I take off my only shoe before I faceplant and lose the last shred of dignity I have left. Stupid Boy Keith Urban starts playing, and I become putty in his hands. “I thought I'd try and clear your mind of all the chaos from tonight.”

  “Well, thank you. I believe your plan is working.”

  Our bodies sway in rhythm to the music with Dominic's hand tracing patterns on my back. It calms me, making me wonder why this surprisingly gentle man isn't taken.

  “Thank you for the dance, Isabella.” He kisses my forehead and looks into my eyes as if he's trying to figure me out.

  I watch him walk out the door with that sexy swagger of his, and wonder how I let him creep into my head so quickly. I just need to shake it off. Raelynn and I decide to call it a night ourselves, heading back to her place for some much-needed sleep. She has that inquisitive expression on her face, so I ask her what's on her mind knowing that keeping it to herself is eating her up inside.

  “You willingly let him call you Isabella. Cracker, you, my darling girl, are catching the feelers. I mean, I can't blame you. He's damn delicious! He had those boys running for the hills. I've never seen him act that way, taking any real interest in anyone. So protective and possessive of any female in this town. He's hooked, even if he doesn't know it yet!”

  “Shut it, Rae,” I quip, even though the thought has me a bit excited.

  Down girl.

  We have a good laugh as we head back to Raelynn’s. I promised myself no man would ever touch me against my will, ever again, and I’ve failed already. I don’t even want to think about what might have happened if Dominic hadn’t found me in time.

  The question stirring in my brain, over and over again, is, “Who are you Dominic Barnes?”

  “Cracker! You're using your outside voice again.” Of course I am.


  Let’s play a game, shall we?

  “Jackson, for fuck’s sake, I don’t want to have sex right now. I just want to sleep. I’m not in the mood. Quit licking my face because it’s not going to get you any closer to my pussy, or gain you a blowjob.” I swat at him and feel fur. Lots of fur. What the hell?

  I slowly open one eye and it’s not Jackson who’s licking my face. It’s Dixie, Raelynn’s ball of fur. I snort, realizing I’m actually happy to see her. Jackson isn’t here. I’m not in Oregon. I’m in South Carolina, away from him. I’m free. I’m fucking free and had the best night of sleep I’ve had in years. Then the banging starts, and when I don't open the door fast enough, it swings open with Raelynn standing there in all her sassy glory.

  Rise and shine, Isabella.

  “Cracker! Get your ass out of that bed. You look like death, you smell even worse, and we need to feed you. Get some meat back on those scrawny bones of yours. I see Dixie made herself at home.” The dog has passed out, snoring next to me on the bed. At least I'm not the only one with a drooling problem.

  I decide food and a hot shower sound amazing, so I listen to Rae. She’s always had a way of getting me out of my funks, whether being my sole supporter, or a nagging bitch. I wouldn’t trade her for anything in this world.

  “Food! Yes!” I fist pump the air in triumph. “Just let me get cleaned up, and I’m all about stuffing my face.” She looks like she’s going to combust at any minute, and I know the dirty wench has something on her mind.

  “You know what I meant, bitch!”

  “You love me, Cracker.” Damn her. I do. I really do.

  “Yes, yes I do! Now be gone, wench, so I can shower.” I shoo her away in a hurry.

  “Fifteen minu
tes, Cracker, or I’m leaving you here. I’m hungry, and when momma’s hungry, you best feed her, or else.” She gives me the stink eye as she walks away.

  She’s well trained in giving the stink eye.

  Stepping into the warm spray is like heaven. I feel the filth of last night being washed away instantly. I shiver, even in the heat of the shower. Last night was a nightmare. One that reminds me of the past. I never want to be touched out of anger or humility by anyone. That’s not the way things should be. Women should be cherished by their men, or any man for that matter, not treated like some throwaway slut from last nights one-night stand. Though, even one-night stands deserve respect. I have no idea what the future holds, but I’m living in the moment. Bruises fade over time, but memories don’t. The memories haunt my dreams, and I wonder if I’ll ever be free of them.

  Here I am, thinking about Jackson. Feeling guilty for giving up on him, while at the same time knowing I could no longer give him what he needed, even if he couldn’t admit or accept the truth. I pray he finds his way, learns to love himself and others. The right way. Without violence and manipulation.

  I notice dark purple marks on my upper arms as I'm washing, and think back to last night. What a clusterfuck that ended up being. All I wanted was to have a few drinks, and hang out with Raelynn, yet it somehow went south. If it wasn't for Dominic stepping in, it could’ve been a lot worse.

  Dominic Barnes. Damn him.

  Just the thought of him makes me wet. His shaggy black hair, bright blue eyes, and those sexy tattooed arms of his. They say the eyes tell a lot about a person, the windows to a person’s soul, and Dominic’s had me mesmerized from the first time moment I saw him. He definitely stays in shape, and by what Rae said earlier, his job seems to help him with that.

  Before I know it, I'm lifting my leg up against the shower wall, sliding a finger into my soaking wet pussy. Then two. The image of him down on his knees doing dirty deeds to me is enough to make me moan out loud.

  I steady myself as the images start to take over. He lays me on the bed and grabs his thick cock, giving it a few rough strokes. Pushing my knees apart, spreading me wide open, he slaps my entrance a few times with his cock, then pushes inside me, nice and slow. He’s nipping at my neck as he sucks and gently pinches my nipples, holding my arms above my head tightly. Then he looks me in the eyes, tugging my hair back with one hand as he speeds up his rhythm.

  “Oh, fuck!” before I can even finish the fantasy, I orgasm so hard I, not-so-quietly knock the shampoo bottle off the ledge where my foot was planted. Damn. I’m so screwed.

  I never thought I'd want a man to touch me again, not after Jackson, but for some reason, I feel safe with Dominic. I hardly know him, but I feel we were meant to cross paths, and I'm taking it as a sign from up above.

  Good things come to those who wait.

  Catching my breath, I wonder who he really is, and why I want to know so bad. I shouldn't want anything to do with him. I should stay far away from him. Sounds logical in my head, but let’s face it. It's already become a game of cat and mouse. Except, I want to be the one in charge this time, and I intend on winning. Playing with my mouse will be a bit of fun, fun I haven’t had in a very long time.

  “Oh, Mr. Barnes, I hope you're ready for me.” I'm not sure what it is, but I lost my assertiveness over the years due to Jackson and his manipulation, but Dominic brings something new out in me. New but familiar somehow. I like the feeling of regaining my confidence. It's long overdue, and I'm welcoming it with open arms. I just hope I don’t fall flat on my face.


  Mr. Hotpants is in the building.

  Raelynn and I pull up to a cute little diner with a sign that reads Dotty’s Place, and my stomach growls on cue. Last night's shenanigans have me starving, and I can't wait to eat my weight in waffles and bacon. Mmmm... bacon. Bacon is basically life!

  “Cracker! Your stomach sounds like it's waging a war with itself. We may be too late to save you.” She fakes fainting, and I'm dying of laughter.

  “Have I told you today how much I love you, Rae? Thank you for what you're doing for me. You're the best thing in my life, especially when you feed me bacon.”

  I see her begin to tear up, and she tries to speak. “Bella, that's what friends do. You need me, I'm here. It's all going to be fine, you'll see, babe. Now let's get some food in your belly. Although, I'm a little scared of your creepy obsession with bacon.”

  “I repeat... bacon is life!” Yelling the word bacon somehow causes the waitress to speed walk over to our table.

  The waitress barely has time to ask us our orders when I blurt out, “Waffles and bacon with all the caffeine you have in this place. Keep it coming. Please, and thank you.”

  She looks at Raelynn with an amused expression on her face, so to make it easy on her, Rae just orders the same.

  I'm in waffle heaven not caring what I look like when I spot Dominic in the corner. Of course, he’s here. He seems to be everywhere I go, which is kind of annoying, yet not so much. He's sipping coffee while having what looks like a very intense phone conversation. I try not to stare, but he spots me before I can look away. Giving me a subtle nod, I smile back at him with a mouth full of waffles. Good one, Bella. Very attractive.

  “Mr. Hotpants is in the building. We’ve been spotted.” I whisper to Raelynn, and she just shakes her head and laughs.

  “Cracker, you need to stay clear of him, even if he is a sexy piece of mancandy. You have a little drool coming out of your mouth, or it could be the half bottle of syrup you've used on those damn waffles of yours.” They are delicious.

  “He’s everywhere. I can't get away from him. It's either a sign of something bad or maybe something very, very good coming my way. I'm in trouble with that one. There's something about him, and I can't shake it.”

  A man of mystery is sexy as hell.

  “Try! You’re too vulnerable right now,and you're not thinking clearly. You need to figure out what you want to do with your life. Remember, you have an asshat of an ex out there, probably hunting you down as we speak. Hopefully not, because he is all kinds of stupid, but please be careful! Plus, no one really knows anything about Mr. Barnes over there. He's not exactly a social butterfly.”

  “You’re right, but damn that man. He makes drinking coffee look like the most erotic thing ever.” Yes, I'm staring again like a stalker.

  “You, my dear, have gutter brain, twenty-four-seven. Some things never change, I swear. If it weren’t for the boobs, people would think you were a dude!” That I do, and Dominic is bringing out the beast in me. If he knew who I really was, sexually, he'd probably run for the hills. He doesn't exactly seem like the sexually dominant type, but then again, he's proven his ability to be a sexy alpha male. He's saved my sorry ass twice now. Who knows. It's the “nice" ones that you usually need to look out for.

  Raelynn interrupts my dirty thoughts. “What are your plans for a job, or have you even thought that far ahead yet?”

  “I really haven’t, and know I need to. I need to remember this isn't just a vacation. It's been a much needed break, but bills and responsibilities don’t just go away, so I better keep moving, and have a plan.”

  “I have no clue, but the little money I have will be running dry soon, so any ideas? I'm sure there's not a lot to choose from here. No offense.” Raelynn works her ass off every day, plus she's an aspiring writer with an amazing talent, and I admire the hell out of her.

  Just when she opens her mouth to speak, Dominic’s shadow falls on our table where he plants his ass right next to me.

  By all means, make yourself comfortable.

  “Did I hear someone say they're in need of a job?” He enters our conversation like he was an invited guest. It seems to be his thing.

  “Why sure, have a seat, we don’t mind at all. If it's any concern of yours, yes, I'm looking for a job. Right now, I’d take just about anything.”

  He goes to grab for my bacon and I almost stab him with
my fork. “Do you have a deathwish? Don't ever try to take my bacon, or you'll be sorry. Bloody stumps will be in your future. Trust me.” He laughs but puts his hands up in surrender.

  “What, may I ask, are your skills? If you have any.”

  If you only knew, Mr. Hotpants, if you only knew.

  I choke a bit on the mouthful of waffles I'm still consuming and, of course, eagle eyes notices. “Yes, as a matter of fact, I do have skills. Anything with computers I can handle. Worked in an office for the last few years, and I’m pretty good at making my way around filing, organizational shit and such.”

  “Then you're in luck, beautiful because I need help in my office. I do business out of my home and could use some assistance with the boring shit. You in?” He starts tapping his fingers on the table, waiting for my reply.

  Silence. That’s all I hear. Silence and the ringing in my ears. It's so loud, my whole body is feeling the toll. Panic attacks are no joke, and I wasn't prepared for this as I left my pills at Raelynn’s house. I hate depending on them, but I'm just not ready to deal without them.

  I freeze up at Dominic calling me beautiful. That was Jackson's nickname for me, and it brings me to a very dark place. I need to breath because in about two seconds, I'm going to lose it in front of everyone.

  “Bella, it's ok, babe, you’re fine. He didn't know. Just breath. In and out.” Raelynn comforts me, patting my back and rubbing my arm. Right now she's the only one who understands and can calm me down. I feel like a damn fool, but know it's just going to take some time. You don't get over years of abuse in a day with the added pressure of anxiety.

  “Did I say something wrong? Is she ok? What the hell is wrong with her?” He’s looking at Raelynn with concern on his face, which makes me feel like shit for overreacting.