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The Sparrow and The Raven Page 5

  “I'm fine. Really. Thank you for the offer, and yes, I'd love to talk about a job. Maybe we can meet up later and figure out where to go from there. I'm sorry, I just need some air. I'm really sorry about this.”

  I write my cell number down on a napkin and walk toward the door in a hurry. I turn back and see Raelynn talking to him, and he nods his head in understanding. Just as I go to walk out, our eyes meet, and it’s eerily comforting.


  Get your stank ass out of that bed.

  I lock myself in my room at Raelynn’s for a couple of days, sleeping, eating and watching mindless TV. Mindless, as in, I think I watched every episode of Keeping up with The Kardashians ever made. That family is an entertaining trainwreck! I know I'm just feeling sorry for myself, but the thought of Jackson ever finding me again has me reverting back to hermit status. I’m letting him have control, even now, and I know it needs to stop. I'm safe here. I'm healing. It's sort of becoming a ritual I have to keep chanting just to make it believable.

  Safe. Healing. Happy.

  There were times when Jackson would fly off the handle at whatever angered him in that moment and would disappear. Sometimes for days on end, and I’d lock myself in the bedroom, hiding from the world and the horrors I felt it held. Then when he’d return like nothing ever happened, he would coax me out. With his charm and that damn sexy smile of his, everything was forgiven. It was a sick way to live, but one I became accustomed to.

  “Bella…” I hear Raelynn softly knocking and know I can't hide in here forever. It's time to put my big girl pants on. I open the door slowly, thinking I'm going to be verbally attacked for my stupidity. She’d have every right to do so. She’s taken me in, and so far, I’ve done nothing in my power to repay her.

  She takes one look at me and cries. I've made her cry too many times since getting here, and that isn't fair.

  “Please stop crying, Rae. I'm so sorry. I've brought my shit to your doorstep, and it isn't right. I was dumb to think it’d all just go away by me leaving.”

  She hugs me tightly. “Don't ever say sorry for feeling what you feel. You've been through hell. It's not going to be fixed in a day, but you can't let him win so easily. You have so much to offer and you need to start realizing you’re so much more than what that piece of shit prick did to you.”

  “I'm trying, I really am. I just don't know what to do anymore. When I was with Jackson, I had a purpose, even if it was a facade he built. It was my life. Even as shitty as it was.”

  Putting duct tape over something is just a temporary fix.

  She drags me off the bed, and pushes me through the door. I have no clue what she's thinking or has planned, but I go with it. We go into the kitchen where she's made mountains of delicious smelling cookies. I drool at the sight. White chocolate macadamia. My favorite.

  “Today we eat cookies. Watch movies. Drink Moscato. Tomorrow we get you back on track. So, here's to today!” She grabs a bottle of Moscato from the fridge and pours us both a glass. She lifts hers to her mouth and gives me a salute.

  Just as we’re sitting down to binge watch Kellan Lutz’s movies, my phone buzzes. Dominic. Shit! For a brief second, I forgot about the blue-eyed devil.

  Dominic: Hey, Ms. Kramer, remember me? Just wondering how you’re doing, and if you're still wanting that job?

  Me: Why, hello there, Mr. Barnes. Sorry about the last few days. I needed to get my shit together, if at all possible. Yes, I'd really love the job, if you'll still have me?

  Dominic: Don’t say things you don't mean, Ms. Kramer. I will definitely have you. Anytime. Anywhere.

  Me: Huh?

  Time to play the innocent game, and see if he takes the bait.

  Dominic: Nevermind! See you Monday at 8 a.m. then? I’ll text you my address. Have a good weekend. Please, don’t drink too much. Remember what that leads to.

  Me: Very funny, Mr. Barnes.

  Dominic: Not joking, Ms. Kramer. See you Monday. Don't keep me waiting.

  Well then, I guess I better not keep Mr. Hotpants waiting. Maybe he does have a little dominance in him after all. This definitely piques my interest, and I’m determined, now more than ever, to find out all I can about this mysterious man.

  “Cracker! Get your head back in the game. You literally just missed a perfect ass shot of Kellan, and you didn't even blink. What the hell is wrong with you, woman?”

  Kellan Lutz is, in fact, a God.

  “Sorry. Dominic was texting me to see if I was still wanting the job. I sort of forgot about everything these past few days, including the offer he gave me.”

  Rae has that goofy look on her face, and I know she's thinking what I'm thinking. Dominic Barnes better have his game face on, because I'm coming for him. I just hope he doesn’t shoot me down in the crossfire.

  “Now rewind that shit, and pass the Moscato. That man can make the Angels in heaven weep for happiness.” Laughing, Raelynn hands me the bottle, and we get our drink on as we watch Kellan in all his hard-bodied glory.

  “Damn, those lickable abs of his. Give me back that bottle, Cracker!”

  God help us all, I've created a lust-filled monster, and her name is Raelynn.


  Whatever you say, Boss.

  Monday morning has come, and all of a sudden I don’t feel so hot. What was I thinking, accepting a job from a man that I’ve had numerous dirty dreams about. Just the thought of calling him Mr. Barnes has me hot and bothered. Again! Great, I’m going to show up flustered and ready to jump his bones. Somehow, I don’t think that was in the job description.

  “I don’t know if I can do this, Rae. I suddenly feel the flu coming on.” I dramatically put my hand on my forehead, like I'm minutes away from passing out. I can't fool her though, which is obvious.

  “Cracker! You get your skinny ass out of this house, right now! You need to do this for you. Even if it doesn’t work out, at least you got yourself out there and tried.”

  “Oh, wise one, what would I ever do without you?” I bow down to her, and for a second, I think she’s actually going to kick me in the face. Knowing her, I wouldn't put it past her to do just that.

  “Leave my house, now. I swear, if I didn’t love you so much, I’d kick your ass! By the way, you look pretty damn hot. Just sayin.” After our movie marathon, she took me shopping, which I loathe. I must say though, the black skinny jeans and gray off-the-shoulder sweater, look pretty nice paired with my brand new Betsey Johnson skull heels.

  “Thank you for everything. I will repay you for all this someday. I love you, Rae.” Fidgeting with my clothes, I feel uncomfortable in my own skin. The heels are a death trap, one I think she did on purpose just to spite me. But I do love me some Betsey Johnson, so I'll endure the pain.

  Pain is beauty, or so I've been told.

  “You can repay me by having some confidence in yourself, and quit fussing with your clothes. You look hot, babe!”

  “Wish me luck with Mr. Hotpants.”

  “Yeah, you might not want to call him that. He is your boss now, you know?”

  If she only knew. He can boss me around any time he wants. “Right. As always.”

  “Try to keep yourself out of trouble, Bella. I'd hate to have to sic Dixie on his ass!”

  “That’s laughable. All that dog would do is lick him to death! Just for you though, I’ll be on my best behavior.” She gives me her “mom look” and I can't help but laugh and give her a two-fingered salute.

  With that, I’m off to meet Dominic, texting him to let him know I’m on my way. It's now or never, Bella. Time to do some adulting, even if it kills me. Or him.

  Me: Hey Mr. Barnes. I’m leaving now, so I’ll be with you shortly. If I don’t get lost. I’m not exactly coordinated when it comes to driving or much of anything for that matter.

  Dominic: Good to know you haven’t given up on me. Just so we’re clear, you might not want to call me Mr. Barnes anymore. Dominic is fine. It makes me want to do very bad things to you. Things
I’m sure you’d love, but I’m your boss, so maybe we should keep this professional?

  Jesus! If his ego were any bigger, his head would explode. Unfortunately, he's right. Damn him for being right! I guess I found my answer. Dominic isn't shy and might just be my sexual match after all. His subtle hints are giving him away.

  Me: Most definitely, Mr. Barnes. *wink*

  Dominic: I’m going to have my hands full with you, aren’t I?

  Me: Oh, I’m all about you having your hands full, but yes, we will play by your rules, Dominic.

  Dominic: Just get here before I change my mind. Bending you over my kitchen table and fucking you until you can't walk sounds like a lot more fun. Don't tempt me, Isabella.

  Me: Are black skull stilettos work appropriate? Asking for a friend…

  Dominic: ggggrrrr...

  I can just imagine him grumbling at the phone. Game on. Today has already become a whole lot more fun. I may think I have the upper hand, but he has me weak in the knees, and I think he knows it. I guess Mr. Barnes isn’t as laid back as I once believed. There’s some fire in him after all, and I’m fucking burning for him.


  Is that a threat or a promise?

  The ten minutes I've been sitting in Dominic’s driveway seem like hours. I can't believe I'm freaking out. I had a game plan, one that I was sure would catch his attention. Now, I'm not so sure. I've lost my self-esteem, and it's a challenge to get back after years of abuse and little to no confidence.

  “Damn you, Dominic!” Just as the words spew out of my mouth, and I pound the steering wheel with my fists, I hear a loud tap on my window. Fuck me! Of course, he's standing right there. He's eyeing me, his head tilted so he can see through the window, and motions me to roll the window down.

  “You gonna sit in there all day cursing my name? Or are you going to get out of this piece of junk you call a car and come inside?”

  Poor Bessy, he didn’t mean it.

  “I will have you know this piece of junk is my baby. Don't talk shit about Bessy. She’s sensitive, you asshole!” He gives a light knock on the trunk and it pops open. Great! Proving him right, as usual. I want to crawl in the nearest hole and die. I swear, the fates have it out for me.

  “My mistake, Sparrow. Bessy sounds a lot like her momma.” Sparrow? Really? Well, I guess it's better than the other things he’s called me.

  “Sparrow? Do tell... please.”

  This should be good.

  “You remind me of a tiny bird, trying to fly free from its nest toward freedom. You can't quite get the hang of it yet. But you will. I’ll make sure of it. I’ll help you find your wings and fly.”

  “Is that so, Mr. Barnes?” He gives me a warning glare, and I silently snicker to myself.

  “Just get out of the damn car, or I’ll be forced to make good on my threat of punishment. Seems you're in need of a little punishment, especially with that smartass mouth of yours. Does it ever stop running?”

  “Is that a threat or a promise? Either way, it sounds like a good time.” I wink at him, as I scurry from the car, not wanting to piss him off any more than I already have.

  Once I’m outside looking at his house, I realize just how good he has to be with his hands. This house is a work of art. It's a log cabin, one of massive proportions. Beautiful carvings surround the entryway, and I'm in awe. It has a spectacular view with miles of free land and a flowing creek that circles the entire property.

  He opens the front door for me, and my jaw drops to the floor. I'm sure I look like a kid in a candy store, but I've never seen something so amazing in my life. Mr. Barnes has been holding out on me. There's art on every wall, handmade banisters and wooden furniture that flow with the style of the house. And the kitchen. It’s a dream if you're into cooking, which I'm not, but it's breathtaking. What I don't see are any family photos. Anywhere. It's odd and makes me wonder even more about him.

  “If you're done ogling my house, can we get to work? I have a busy day ahead of me, and I need to get you caught up on the comings and goings around here.”

  “Your home is absolutely beautiful, Dominic.”

  “Thank you. It's a passion of mine, one I take pride in even though not many people have had the pleasure of seeing it.”

  “That's a real shame.”

  “I'm a very private person, Isabella, and I'd like to keep it that way if you don't mind? I don't make it a habit of letting people into my life. Until you. You confuse me.”

  That's the pot calling the kettle black.

  “Of course. Your house. Your rules.” His eyes seemed to flare up with what looked like a mix of confusion and passion. I know how he feels. I've been confused with the emotions he's stirred up in me too since the day I first laid eyes on him.

  Like he's breaking himself from a trance, he shakes his head and motions for me to follow him. We enter what I assume is his home office, and all I see are file folders and other clutter in piles on the huge mahogany desk, as well as the floor. Shit! What have I gotten myself into?

  “What in the hell happened in here? Looks like a bomb went off.”

  “I told you I needed help. Now you see why? I build shit; I don't do well with the paperwork side of things.”

  “I can see that. Fuck, Dominic. When was the last time you even came in this room other than to throw paperwork on the floor? I can barely see the fucking desk! What a shame, it's an absolute work of art. Did you build this too?”

  “I did. It was my father’s, and when he left, I decided it was too personal to give away to some asshole who wouldn't appreciate it.”

  Says the man who has its beauty buried under mountains of shit!

  “Well then, I guess I’ll start with unburying this desk and go from there.” I stare at the monstrosity. Where to begin is the question.

  “I appreciate anything you can do, Isabella. Thank you. You're saving my ass.”

  Oh what an ass it is, Mr. Hotpants. “One last thing before you busy yourself with whatever you're doing. I'm very sorry about your father. I lost both my parents, and it's always been tough to accept.”

  “It was a long time ago. I’ve accepted the fact that people leave. One way or another, they always leave, and you're stuck picking up the pieces they left behind.”

  With that, he walks out the door, and I don't see him for the rest of the day until he comes in to let me know I can leave. He seems distant, so I say my goodbye and leave as quick as I can. It took hours before I figured out the best approach to arranging the files on the desk. I’m not even close to finishing or touching the mess on the floor.

  Tomorrow is a new day, right?


  Didn't we do this yesterday?

  I’ve been working for Dominic for two months now, and it's turned into a daily routine similar to the likes of a bad rerun on TV. I walk in, and he tells me what needs to be done. Then he leaves for the day, and I don't see him again until it’s time for me to go home.

  I feel as if he's avoiding me, and I want to know why. I thought we had a mutual attraction that may have turned into some flirting friends with benefits, or maybe even more. Instead, it's like he has tunnel vision and sees right past me. Maybe he was just trying to help the new girl in town, and I thought more of it than I should’ve.

  Things have been going really well living with Raelynn. She’s the Thelma to my Louise, the rum to my coke, the best to my friend. I thank my lucky stars she’s able to keep up with my crazy. No word or sign of Jackson either, so I'm actually happy. No fucking way, right? It seems too good to be true.

  I'd been in the office for a few hours when Dominic walks in looking sinful in his tight jeans and black boots. This man, I'm sure, could make me come on command. He drives me crazy, and he doesn't seem to notice. Doesn’t notice anything these days, really. He looks down at the floor when he walks in, trying to avoid eye contact with me as much as possible.

  Am I that hideous?

  “Isabella, I need you to come with me today.
I have a few appointments this morning, and I need my best notetaker.” Best notetaker? Well then, I guess I know where I stand with “the boss."

  “Ummm... ok? Just let me grab my bag, and I’ll be ready to go, Mr. Barnes.”

  Sit and spin on that, asshole.

  “How many times have I told you not to call me that? Do you think before you speak? You might try it sometime.” He’s pointing at me, shaking his finger in my face.

  “Just stating the facts. You've made it quite clear to me that I'm nothing more than your employee, and employees don't call their boss by their first name. Do they? Or am I mistaken?”

  He looks as if he's spitting fire from his eyes and could kill me at any moment. “Change of plans. I think you need to learn a lesson that's long overdue, Sparrow.”

  Walking toward me arrogantly, he grabs me by the arms, kissing me roughly. His tongue begins to clash with my teeth wanting to gain entrance. I should be angry at his sudden advance, but I’m turned on at his dominance. Two can play this game.

  I pull him tight against me. With this closeness, I can feel his hard erection pushing into my thigh, and I want and need more. Grabbing his tight ass, I begin grinding my pussy onto his thigh. The only thing stopping me from letting him completely inside me is our clothing. Yes, I feel like a teenage girl with a crush on the bad boy who finally sees me and wants me.

  “Please, Dominic. I need more. I want you so fucking bad. You've been driving me crazy for months now.”