The Sparrow and The Raven Page 6
Yes, I’m pouting and about to lose my shit.
“Oh, my gorgeous girl, in due time. I don't want to rush this, whatever it is between us. Trust me when I say once I'm inside you, I will be the only man you'll ever want again. I'll make it my only mission in life.”
He's all I want now, and he damn well knows it.
“My past haunts me, and there are things you don’t know, but I trust you, Dominic. Just know I trust you. Enough talking... please.” I yank him by the shirt, and he gets the hint because he quickly pulls it off over his head. I can't help but stare at the sexiness that is Dominic Barnes. I slowly run my hands down his chest, feeling every groove of his tight muscles.
“Dominic. You're gorgeous, flaws and all.” He has a large scar on his lower abdomen that looks to be an old bullet wound.
“Enough, Sparrow.” I get the feeling he's not ready to tell me the story behind the scar, and I'm not about to push him. Not when he's finally giving me what I've wanted for months.
He grabs my wrists, pushing them above my head. He begins nipping his way down my collarbone, and instead of unbuttoning my shirt, he rips it opens. I watch as the buttons scatter along the floor, fiercely turning me on. Lost in a lustful haze, I feel his tongue circling my nipple, lightly biting one as he gropes the other with his free hand.
“Keep the shoes on.” I smile inwardly, knowing he’d love my black skull stilettos.
“God, Dominic. You drive me mad.”
“No, Sparrow, just a man. Not God.”
Taking my hands, he leads me into a room next to his office. It looks to be a spare room, showing no personal touches with almost a cold feeling. But right now he could lead me into hell, and I'd follow.
“Take the rest of your clothes off, and sit at the edge of the bed.” I quickly do as he says with no questions asked. “I won't fuck you tonight, but I will bring your body to the ultimate pleasure. You're absolutely perfect, and you should be worshipped. Let me prove it to you, Isabella.”
Kneeling down in front of me, Dominic has a somewhat vulnerable look on his face, but it's washed away the minute he attacks my pussy with his mouth. As he tongue fucks me, I feel his finger enter me from behind, slowly stretching me open. The pleasure is insane.
“Oh, my God!” I suddenly realize I'm pushing his face into my pussy, wanting more of what he's giving. He starts thrusting his finger in and out of my ass while continuing the assault with his tongue.
“Dominic, fuck, I'm going to come!”
“Come for me, Sparrow.” With that, my orgasm hits hard, and I feel a sense of euphoria take over my whole body. Dominic places a kiss on each thigh as he gets up and walks toward the bathroom.
“I didn’t get to return the favor.” I grab at him as he’s walking away.
“This wasn’t about me, just you, Isabella. We have plenty of time to explore our feelings together.”
First time for everything.
My mind is scrambled momentarily when I see Dominic staring at me with a look of pure awe on his face. I’m so confused by his wishy-washy actions, yet scared to destroy what just happened between us.
“Isabella, you're everything pure in this world. I don't know why you came here, but I will gladly thank whoever gave you to me. I'm fucked up, Sparrow, but for you, I’ll try.”
“I don't want to talk about why I'm here. Not yet. Just know, I'm fucked up too. Maybe together we can put our pieces back together. Live life the way we want. On our terms. The Sparrow and her Raven.” He gives me a curious look when I say Raven, so I explain. “I’ve seen your Raven tattoo and know it means something to you. You call me Sparrow, so you're my Raven. Ravens are a mysterious bird, set free out of rebirth. I know you've been through some kind of hell in your past, so it seems fitting. A do-over, shall we say? You can tell me when you're ready, just as I’ll do the same.”
He softly kisses my lips, whispering, “For you, only for you, I’ll try.” With that, he leaves the room, letting me get dressed and think about everything that's just come to life. He makes me feel alive. Something I didn't think I'd ever get back again. Jackson took all I had to give. Maybe Dominic was put in my path to help right the wrongs. Either way, I've fallen for him, and I don't want to be caught.
The alcohol has runneth dry.
It's Saturday night, and Raelynn and I have decided a few drinks are in order. I thought her head was going to pop off when I told her in explicit detail the naughtiness that went down between Dominic and me on Friday night. All she could say in response was, “I knew you'd catch that man. Sooner or later. Your vagina was a beacon, and he answered the call.” Raelynn and her comical phrases could fill an entire book. Who knows where she comes up with this shit, but I wouldn't accept her any other way.
She’s my person.
We head out to Mac’s, a quiet little bar on the outskirts of town. We decided it would be best to avoid trouble and stay away from the bar we went to last time, or that was the plan. I still get creeped out with the thought of those fuckers touching me. Makes my skin crawl.
I've become somewhat of a germaphobe as of late. Besides Raelynn and Dominic, I can’t stand to be touched. I carry hand sanitizer and make sure I always have my anxiety pills with me. I don't want to make the “breakfast fiasco" mistake again either.
There’s not enough bleach in the world to cleanse the thoughts that creep up.
“What can I get for y’all?” The bartender is a polite guy, with a very nice country drawl. I notice Raelynn takes an instant liking to him.
“Hey darlin’, since you asked-” I cut her off before she makes a fool of herself.
“Two rum and cokes, light on the coke, please.” He gives me a lopsided grin but continues to make our drinks. He hands us double the order. I guess he figured this would appease us. For now.
“This place is cute as hell, Rae. Thanks for everything you've done these past few months. I love you, bitch!”
“You best love me, Cracker, because you're stuck with me! Someone has to keep an eye on your crazy ass!” Eyeing me suspiciously, Raelynn downs her drink like a pro. She's never been much of a drinker, and somehow I take the blame for her recent liquid indulgences.
It's almost midnight when I decide to be the adult and reel Raelynn in. She's been acting a fool with the bartender, and I figure I owe her one. He's been a champ, playing along, but I see something dark in his expression that gives me the creeps. That's my cue to grab my girl and head out.
Trust your gut instincts and all that, right?
“Thanks for putting up with her all night. She's harmless, I swear. Just not much of a drinker.”
“My pleasure, Isabella. No harm, no foul, right?” Wait a damn minute. I know I never gave him my name because I paid with cash. This now explains the creepy feeling I had earlier. Who the hell is this guy? Better yet, how does he know my name?
Deja vu much?
“Ummm... yeah. Well, thanks again. We'll just be on our way. Have a good night.” Before my ass can even leave the seat, he's grabbing my upper arm tightly.
“Jackson wants you to know he likes your new look, blonde dreads and all. He doesn't like the fact you left him behind. He loves you. Always has. Always will. He's coming for you. Wants what's his. So do I.”
“Wha-what did you just say? Who are you? How do you know Jackson? Is he here? Please, no!” I can't think straight and feel the panic setting in. This can't be fucking happening! Not now! I’m searching the bar like a maniac, looking for any sign of Jackson. In my hurry to get the hell out of there, I trip over my own two feet, face planting on the floor. That's going to leave a mark and hurt like a mother tomorrow morning.
“He's not here. Not yet. Just know he's known where you were for a while now. He’s just been waiting for my call. You didn’t think it'd be that easy, did you? He hired me to find you. I'm sorry, you seem like a nice lady, but the money was too good to pass up. Plus, he owes me one.” He seems to look sympathetic, but I'm sure i
t's just an act.
“You don't understand, God damnit! He doesn't love me. He wants to own and control me. That's all he's ever wanted!” I grab Raelynn and scramble to the car, not quite sure what the hell happens next. It can't be good, this much I know. If Jackson has found me, I'm not the only one in danger. We’re all screwed.
“Cracker, let me go! I wanna dance with my sexy country boy.” Raelynn has no idea what's just happened, and in her state, that's probably for the best. I coax her to the car, promising her ice cream and jerky on the way home. I look in the rearview mirror to see the “bartender” staring intently at us.
Shit just got real.
Time to put up or shut up.
Sunday morning comes, and I’m wide awake, not sleeping a wink last night. How do I tell Raelynn what's happened and that Jackson has found me? It was a mistake coming here, and guilt washes over me knowing I've put my best friend in danger.
“So fucking stupid, Isabella,” I mumble. I scrub my hands over my tired face just as Rae opens the door and plops down on the bed next to me. Her eyes widen as she spots the lovely bruise on my cheek from my self-affliction last night.
“What happened last night because I can't remember shit.” She looks worse for wear, holding her head in her hands, making me feel terrible. “Who punched you in the face?”
“I have to tell you something, but first let me say how fucking sorry I am, Rae.”
Here goes nothing.
“Fuck me. What's happened now, Isabella?” She’s shakes her head as if it’s going to clear the mess she assumes I’ve created.
I'm a train wreck, I really am.
“Jackson has found me. He's known for awhile where I've been. Hired some asshole, who happened to be the bartender from last night, to tail me. I'm actually quite surprised the dumbass was smart enough to put two and two together. I'm so sorry. I'll get my shit together and be out of here as soon as I can. I'm not putting you in the middle of this. I'm so sorry.” I can't even look at her right now knowing I've screwed everything up.
She looks enraged, and I can't say I blame her one bit. “First of all, your ass isn't going anywhere. You think I'm scared of that little piece of shit? Second, where the hell would you go? Or do you just plan on running for the rest of your life? We stay together and fight who's coming. We get who we need on our side, and we get your life back, Cracker. That's what we do.”
I tackle-hug her until she's blue in the face and gasping for air. She's my rock. The only person in my pathetic life that's ever stood up for me. I will do whatever it takes to keep her safe, even if that means playing nice with the monster himself. When he finally decides to show his face, I just hope I’m ready.
Don’t fall for the masquerade this time.
“Thank you, babe. I just don't know what to do, and if he's here, I'm sure he's done playing games. Now that the cat’s out of the bag, should I tell Dominic? Maybe he can help? He seems to know a lot more than he gives away.”
“Yes, I think that'd be a good idea seeing how you guys have become closer recently.” She wiggles her eyebrows at me, with a gleeful smirk on her face.
“Shut it, Rae! I just got him to open up to me, and that took months as it is. He may slam the door in my face, and tell me to go fuck myself.”
She's laughing at this point, and I see nothing funny about this whole screwed up situation. I just wanted a fresh start. All I wanted was to break free from Jackson and all the chaos he brought to my life. I was honestly dumb enough to believe he wouldn't chase after me.
“Oh, Cracker. That's the exact opposite of what he wants. What he wants is to-” I put my hand over her mouth before she can finish that sentence.
“Ok, enough from you, smartass! Let's get cleaned up, and I’ll let him know we need to talk with him. Let's pray you're right, and he wants to help. I never wanted him to know this side of me, but Jackson’s left me no other choice.”
Me: Hi. I need to talk to you. It's important. Do you have some free time today?
Dominic: What's going on? Are you ok? I will always make time for you, Sparrow.
Me: Can I come over in about an hour or so?
Dominic: Why can't you just tell me what's going on?
Me: I'd rather talk to you face-to-face.
Dominic: Yes, of course. You're scaring me, Isabella!
Me: Everything will be fine. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. I hope you’ll understand. Please forgive me.
Dominic: There's nothing to forgive. Whatever you have to say isn’t going to change how I feel about you. I shouldn't have wasted so much time being a damn idiot.
Me: I hope that's true. I can't lose you now that I've finally found you.
Dominic: Remember what I said... only for you, Isabella, only for you.
Me: Thank you. See you soon.
Dominic: If you’re so inclined, wear those sexy stilettos of yours. *wink wink*
Me: Anything for you, Mr. Barnes. LOL
I hate Jackson for stripping me down just when I was feeling like my old self again. I won't let him drag me back into the darkness I’ve fought too long to break free from. He can't have my light. I won't let him.
Will you hold me in your arms forever?
I arrived at Dominic’s, then sat in the car cursing myself for who knows how long. When I look up, he’s staring at me through the passenger window. This isn't the first time he's caught me acting like a manic freak in my car, and I’m sure it won't be the last.
I unlock the door, and then he settles himself down in the seat next to me. Looking at me with a curious expression, I know he's waiting for me to speak up to explain what’s going on. I have somehow lost my courage, and I want to shrink back into the black hole I’ve created for myself over the years. My black bubble, if you will. It’s a scary, but comforting place.
“We have to stop meeting like this, Sparrow. You're such a peculiar little thing. I want to crawl inside your mind.”
No. No, you don’t. Trust me on that.
“Why is that?” Shit! Did I just say that out loud? Of course, I did...
“Oh, nothing. Let's go inside. Sorry about being late. It seems to be my thing lately.”
As we enter his beautiful home, I wonder if life will ever be easy. I'm so tired of struggling. Struggling for air, freedom, everything. Being around Dominic is comforting in a way that's familiar. I feel like I've known him forever even though it's only been a few months.
“What's on your mind, Isabella?” He pats the seat next to him on the couch, so I join him.
How do I tell him I'm not the person he thinks I am? I'm weak. I'm pathetic. I let a monster of a man control my every thought and move for far too long.
“I'm here with Raelynn because I ran from my past. From my ex, Jackson. He physically and mentally abused me for years, taking me away from everyone that meant anything to me. I’d finally had enough, and I left him, but now he's found me. I knew it was too good to be true, too good to last. He won't ever give up. Not until I’m back with him and under his thumb where he thinks I belong.”
“What do you mean he's found you?” He's fisting his hands together so tight that I can see his nails digging into his skin.
“I mean he hired a guy to find me. That guy found me. The end. Rae wants me to stay. But, I think it’s safest for everyone if I leave. I can't and won't bring any more of my shit upon her. She doesn't deserve this. Neither do you, for that matter.”
“You aren't going anywhere, Sparrow. I will do anything to protect you before I let you fly away from me.”
He doesn't get that this isn't a game. This is my life. Jackson may be a douchebag, but he isn't stupid. If he wants me, he will find a way to have me. If keeping the few people I love off his radar is what I have to do, then I will gladly sacrifice myself for them.
Fighting for love is all I have left.
“I don't want to run from him, but I won't let him hurt anyone else. He's put me through
hell, and I know it's time that he owned up to that. But he’s dangerous, Dominic, especially when he's high. He's a monster with no compassion for anyone or anything.”
“Isabella, trust me when I tell you that he will be held accountable for everything he's ever done to you. You're mine now, and he will never lay so much as a fucking fingertip on you again because if he does, he will regret the day he was born.” Dominic’s eyes bore into mine as if he can see my soul, and I know he’s serious about what he's just said.
“I'm yours? What does that mean exactly? You don't hate me for keeping this from you?” I'm scared to death of hearing his answer, but I need to feel something other than loneliness and despair. Anything else. I'm always too quick to give someone my heart, but when you get those butterflies, you can either chase them or squash them.
With a sudden movement that almost knocks me off my feet, he grabs me by the upper arms and pulls me tightly against him, saying, “If you don't know by now, Isabella, I will just have to show you. Show you how much I don't hate you. Not even a little bit.”
He kisses me until my lips are bruised and tingling, his passion and frustration coming through the connection. I grab his hair, tugging him to me, not wanting our connection to be broken. I want to consume every part of this man. He's the light that I've been searching for my whole life, and I’m desperate for his touch.
“Fuck, I can't be gentle with you right now, Sparrow. I need to take you. Fast and hard.” We lose our clothes in a rush but per his request, the stilettos stay on.